Traitor to the Cause


A few months cover, I was auspicious sufficient to gossip BioWare in Edmonton and play Dragon Age: Origins for several hours. Some the Xbox 360 and PC versions were made available to us, and while the rest of my compatriots made a beeline for the computer-laden tables, I plopped myself on the couch and grabbed the controller. I was confident that, also control differences and some artwork issues, the games were identical. This pleased me greatly because as very much like I am looking forward to Dragon Age – which is a lot – I am a console gamer through and through. Which is why I tone the like something of a Jude for saying that I will to a higher degree probably end up playing Origins on a PC, even up if I sustain to take over one to do it.

I've never bothered piquant in the heated PC vs. Console debates that clog gaming forums, because for Pine Tree State it's a dead letter. Yes, there are many advantages to playing games on PC, merely they are irrelevant to me because I discovery playing on PC to live claustrophobic and to a fault complex. I've never managed to persuade my fingers to master mouse/keyboard controls, and I have no interest in dealings with telecasting cards, drivers, or any of the unusual tech required to make a PC shape with a careful game. Fifth wheel me the comments around how I could just run my display through my TV, use a restrainer, operating room that updating my rig isn't that scheming – I'm quite certain that you're right, and I'm quite reliable that I don't care. If gaming on a PC was important enough for me to learn how to do all of that, I would, but IT International Relations and Security Network't, so I don't. My consoles suit ME just fine, thank you very much.

And let Pine Tree State country plainly that Flying dragon Long time is a great game connected the 360. Yes, the artwork take a hit when compared to their computer cousins, merely unless you'Re playing the versions side by side you're not likely to care. The story is the same, the representative acting is all thither, the moral decisions, combat, and dragons are all there in the console, wait to be enjoyed. But having played both versions, it is comprehendible to Maine that although Dragon Age can be played on a solace, it should be played on a Personal computer. IT's just better that way.

Which shouldn't be all that surprising, really, given the game's roots. The Origins of the style don't just refer to the backstories of the playable characters, but likewise BioWare's very conscious channeling of RPG mainstays Baldur's Logic gate and NeverWinter Nights – standard PC titles. (There were some Baldur's Gate games for the PS2, but they had slight in common with the PC game and therefore aren't genuinely applicable to the conversation. I still played the crap knocked out of them, though.) Origins looks and feels like a natural heir to those games, which substance information technology was intentional with a mouse and keyboard and mind. BioWare has done an admirable job of shoehorning the plethora of control options into a 360 controller (using TARDIS technology to do it, I feel sure), but it just can't match the simplicity and intuitiveness of the PC. I played the 360 version for an hour or 2, and was struggling with the controls the entire time, merely had perfect the PC manipulate strategy in mere moments. A perfect anastrophe of my actual accomplishment set.

But, genuinely, so what? So I'm going to play a game that began life on the PC on a PC, big hack. This is about as exciting a Book of Revelation American Samoa the fact that I had soup for lunch, so why am I blathering on about it? Because I feel like I've betrayed my people somehow. I Crataegus oxycantha not form stacks of computers so that I might climb atop them and beckon my console flag in rabid defiance, but I do identify myself as a console gamer, which means I attach at least few degree of emotion to the construct. Possibly information technology's from years of defending my chosen method of gaming to those who would lay claim virtuous superiority (Andy Chalk, I'm looking at you), but I feel a trifle preservative of my status as a console gamer.

Console gamers take very much of crap: We get called stupid, we get damned for the great "dumbing lowered" of the industry, we're charged with making the gaming place a Low-brow, hostile environment. While there's a grain of truth in each and everyone one of those claims – what, you expect me to defend those mouth-breathers happening Xbox Alive? – the act of choosing a console over a PC does not a moron make, scorn what certain elitist gamers Crataegus oxycantha order. I personally don't care how you play, only that you play, but I'm reluctant to do anything that mightiness add fuel to the "PCs are better than consoles" discharge that obdurately refuses to a-ok prohibited.

And yet. Dragon Age.

I guess I merely have to give suck it up this time around. I can either tenaciously stick to my console ways for the interest of devising some variety of superfluous stand, surgery I backside actually practice what I preach by admitting that the "best" platform is far-off from an positive fact, but rather a condition that shifts based on the player and the game.

Try non to hold it against me, okeh?

Susan Hannah Arendt predicts she will suffer from a weakening "illness" at roughly the same time Dragon Maturat: Origins is released.


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